Privacy Policy

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How We Protect Your Privacy!

Please read the following policy to understand how your personal information will be treated as you make full use of our site.


Your privacy is valuable for us. We do not sell, forward or rent the personal information you share with Trade Cues to any third party for any purpose without your explicit consent. This statement of privacy is applicable to our services, available under the domain name and any other connected sub-domain names, and to subsidiaries of Capital Market Publishers India Pvt. Ltd. Your use of website implies acceptance of the Trade Cues Privacy Statement.

Application of the Policy:

Trade Cues respects your privacy. We do not collect identifiable information about you unless you voluntarily provide it such as when you provide e-mail contact information to subscribe to Trade Cues, send feedback or respond to a survey. If you voluntarily provide your e-mail address or other contact information, we might also use it to inform you of introduction of new features in Trade Cues. At your request, we will remove your contact information from our files.

We do not make your contact information or any other personally identifiable information available to anyone outside Trade Cues or its service providers (who use the information only for authorized Trade Cues purposes) unless we are legally required to do so.

In addition, we collect certain anonymous (non-personally identifiable) information to help us improve the Trade Cues web site, to evaluate the access and use of Trade Cues materials and the impact of Trade Cues on the worldwide investors community.

We collect information you provide about your use of and satisfaction with Trade Cues by e-mail through the Trade Cues feedback form and Trade Cues surveys.

We also use cookies to improve your Trade Cues web experience and to collect anonymous information about how you use Trade Cues. However, cookies are not required for use of Trade Cues. If your browser is configured not to accept cookies, you will still be able to access Trade Cues and its content.

When we report information about Trade Cues access, use and impact, we report aggregate and non-personally identifiable data. Occasionally, we report quoted feedback from users. We do not attribute feedback to specific individuals unless we obtain permission to use that person's name along with the feedback.

We may make changes to this policy from time to time. We will notify you of substantial changes to this policy either by posting a prominent announcement on our site and/or by sending a message to the e-mail address provided to us.